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Recent News & Highlights

ACC'20 Best Student Paper Finalist

(February 2020)

My ACC’20 paper got selected among the top 5 finalists for best student paper award.. [a perfect valentine’s day gift 🤓!!] Shoutout to my amazing advisor @MatthewGombolay for his never-ending support! I will be presenting this work titled "Coordinated Control of UAVs for Human-Centered Active Sensing of Wildfires" at the American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado, July 2020.

Research Featured in ImportAI by Jack Clark

(March 2019)

"Towards a future where human firefighters are guarded by flying machines" - Our recent work on "Safe Coordination of Human-Robot Firefighting Teams" has been covered in IMPORT AI Newsletter. [paper], [news], [ImportAI]​

Joining GSGA'19-20 as a Deputy VP for Events

Excited to start as a Deputy Vice President for Events in Grad Student Government Association (GSGA'19-20) at Georgia Tech. [news]

(Spring 2019)

Joining CORE Robotics Lab @GeorgiaTech

Excited to join CORE Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech as a graduate research assistant.​

(Fall 2018)

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A little bit more about me...

I’m Esmaeil (Esi) Seraj, a first year Ph.D. student in Electrical & Computer Engineering and Institute for Robotics and Machine Intelligence at Georgia Tech. I'm a member of CORE Robotics Lab working under the supervision of Professor Matthew Gombolay.

Prior to that, I received my M.Sc. degree in Biomedical Engineering from Shiraz University, working on statistical and digital signal processing with a focus on biological signals for BCI applications, under the supervision of Professor Reza Sameni. I received my B.Sc. degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering from Sahand University of Technology, with a focus on Systems and Control.

My research focuses on Distributed/Decentralized Control Systems, Multi-agent Robotics and Mobile Sensor Networks. My primary application of interest in this area is the intersection of HRI and dynamic wildfire fighting.

Here are a few fun facts about me, I'm currently (2019-2020) a Deputy Vice President for Events, Office of Logistics & Operations in Grad Student Government Association (GSGA'19-20) at Georgia Tech. I’m a mountain climber and a nature lover. Summiting and camping are my ultimate passions. I love dogs (Huskies are the best), NY style Cheesecake and literally anything that could be grilled. 

BTW, you can either download my CV or give my scholar webpage a visit through the buttons below!

Thanks for your visit and cheers :)

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In the Woods

Education and Experience

Work and Research Experience

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Georgia Institute of Technology

Aug. 2017 - Present

  1. (Sep'18 - Sep'23) Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) Student [Robotics, Controls and Artificial Intelligence]

  2. (Sep'19 - Sep'21) MSc degree, Electrical Engineering - [Systems and Control]

  3. (Sep'18 - present) Graduate Research Assistant - CORE Robotics Lab [Distributed and Decentralized Control Systems, Multi-agent Robotics, Mobile Sensor Networks,Human-Robot Interaction]

  4. (Jan'19 - present) Graduate Teaching Assistant - [Feedback Control Systems, Electric Circuit Analysis]

  5. (Sep'17 - Sep'18) Visiting Graduate Researcher - GT-Bionics Lab [Biological Signal Processing, Robotic Rehabilitation]

Emory University

Jan. 2018 - Dec. 2018

(Jan'18 - Dec'18) Visiting Graduate Researcher Fellow - Nemati Lab, Department of Biomedical Informatics [Deep Learning for Healthcare, Interpretability Methods for Deep Neural Networks]

Shiraz University

Sep. 2013 - Sep. 2016

  1. (Sep'13 - Sep'16) MSc student in Biomedical Engineering

  2. (Sep'14 - Sep'16) Graduate Research Assistant - Signal Processing Center (SPC), Department of Computer Science & IT [Digital and Statistical Signal Processing for Biomedical Signals and Brain-computer Interface (BCI) Systems, Cerebral Signal's Phase Analysis]

  3. (June'16 - June'17) Visiting Graduate Researcher - Computer Vision Lab, Department of Computer Science & IT [Cerebral Signal Analysis and Recording for Automatic Accurate Sleep Staging]

  4. (Dec'16 - Aug'17) Visiting Graduate Researcher - Signal and Image Processing Lab (SIPL), Department of Communications & Electronics Engineering [Biological signal and image processing with application on fMRI Data Processing for Automatic Identification of Alzheimer’s Patients]

  5. (Jan'16 - June'16) Graduate Teaching Assistant [LaTeX Programming and Academic Documentation]

Sahand University of Technology

(Sep'08 - Sep'12) BSc student in Electrical and Computer Engineering [Systems and Controls] - Control Theory and Engineering, Decoupled PID Controllers for TITO Systems

Sep. 2008 - Sep. 2012


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Conference Publications

  1. 2020, Esmaeil Seraj and Matthew Gombolay, “Coordinated Control of UAVs for Human-Centered Active Sensing of Wildfires,” American Control Conference, Denver, Colorado, July 2020. [paper], [code], [video]

  2. 2020, Esmaeil Seraj, Andrew Silva and Matthew Gombolay, “Safe Coordination of Human-Robot Firefighting Teams,” (Manuscript Under Review). [paper], [code], [video]

  3. 2017, Esmaeil Seraj and F. Karimzadeh, “Improved Detection Rate in Motor Imagery Based BCI Systems Using Combination of Robust Analytic Phase and Envelope Features,” 25th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering (ICEE), KNT University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, May 2017. [Published Online] DOI: 10.1109/IranianCEE.2017.7985458]. [paper], [code]

  4. 2015, F. Karimzadeh, Esmaeil Seraj, R. Boostani, M. Torabi Nami, “Presenting Efficient Features for Automatic CAP Detection in Sleep EEG Signals,” 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), Prague, Czech Republic, July 2015. [Published Online] DOI: 10.1109/TSP.2015.7296302 [paper], [code]

Journal Publications

  1. 2019, Esmaeil Seraj, M. Yazdi, N. Shahparian, “fMRI Based Cerebral Instantaneous Parameters for Automatic Alzheimer’s, Mild Cognitive Impairment and Healthy Subject Classification,” Journal of Integrative Neuroscience. [paper], [code]

  2. 2018, F. Karimzadeh, R. Boostani, Esmaeil Seraj, R. Sameni, “Designing a Distributed Classification Procedure for Automatic Sleep Stage Scoring Based on Instantaneous Phase and Envelope Features,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems & Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 26(2), pp. 362 - 370. [Published Online] DOI: 10.1109/TNSRE.2017.2775058 [paper], [code]

  3. 2017, Esmaeil Seraj and R. Sameni, “Robust Electroencephalogram Phase Estimation with Applications in Brain-computer Interface Systems,” Physiological Measurement, vol. 38(3), pp. 501–523. [Published Online] DOI: 10.1088/1361-6579/aa5bba [paper], [code]

  4. 2017, R. Sameni and Esmaeil Seraj, “A Robust Statistical Framework for Instantaneous Electroencephalogram Phase and Frequency Analysis,” Physiological Measurement, vol. 38(12), pp. 2141–2163. [Published Online] DOI: 10.1088/1361-6579/aa93a1 [paper], [code]

  5. 2017, Esmaeil Seraj, “An Investigation on the Utility and Reliability of Electroencephalogram Phase Signal upon Interpreting Cognitive Responses in the Brain: A Critical Discussion,” Journal of Advanced Medical Sciences and Applied Technologies, vol. 2(4), pp. 299-312. [Published Online] DOI: [paper], [code]

Toolboxes and Open Archives

  1. 2019, Esmaeil Seraj and Karthiga Mahalingam, “Essential Motor Cortex Signal Processing: an ERP/functional connectivity MATLAB toolbox - User Guide Version 1.0,” arXiv Preprint, March 2019 [Online]. [paper], [code]

  2. 2016, Esmaeil Seraj, “Cerebral Signal Instantaneous Parameters Estimation MATLAB Toolbox - User Guide Version 2.3,” arXiv Preprint,

    Dec. 2017 [Online]. Available: [paper], [code]

  3. 2016, Esmaeil Seraj, “Cerebral Synchrony Assessment Tutorial: A General Review on Cerebral Signals’ Synchronization Estimation Concepts and Methods,” arXiv Preprint, Dec. 2016 [Online]. Available: [paper], [code]

Extracurricular & Professional Activities

Leadership, Talks, Memberships and Participations

(2019 - 2020) Deputy Vice President for Events - Student Government Association (SGA) Graduate Section

Georgia Institute of Technology

(2019 - present) Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IEEE) Student Member


(2019 - present) RoboGrads, Robotics Graduate Student Organization

Georgia Institute of Technology

(May 2017) Talk on "Use of EEG Instantaneous Parameters for Brain-Computer Interface Systems" - KNT University

KNT University

Manuscript Reviewer for:

  • IEEE T-Ro


  • IEEE IRC (2019)

  • IEEE ACCESS (2018)

  • IROS (2020)

  • 24TH ICEE (2016)

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Highlights, Honors & Awards

  • (February 2020) Best Student Paper Finalist - My work "Coordinated Control of UAVs for Human-Centered Active Sensing of Wildfires" was selected as a finalist for the best student paper award among the top 5 papers to be presented at the American Control Conference (ACC'20), Denver, Colorado, July 2020.

  • (March 2019) "Towards a future where human firefighters are guarded by flying machines" - Our recent work on "Safe Coordination of Human-Robot Firefighting Teams" has been covered in IMPORT AI Newsletter. [paper], [news], [ImportAI]

  • (Spring 2019) Excited to start as a Deputy Vice President for Events in Grad Student Government Association (GSGA'19-20) at Georgia Tech. [news]

  • (Fall 2019) Excited to join CORE Robotics Lab at Georgia Tech as a graduate research assistant.

  • (Fall 2018) Excited to announce that I will continue my education as a PhD student at Georgia Institute of Technology

  • (Fall  2017) Honored to be admitted to some of the well-known universities for PhD program: Georgia Institute of Technology (USA, School of ECE ) - Emory University (USA, Department of BMI) - McGill University (Canada, Integrated Program in Neuroscience) - Concordia University (Canada, School of ECE) and Shiraz University (ETDC Privilege)

  • (September 2016) Defended my MSc Thesis as "Excellent" and graduated from Shiraz University

  • (Summer 2015) Honored to be a two-times recipient of High-impact Graduate Publication award by Cognitive Sciences and Technologies Council or Iran (CSTC - GN#2250)

  • (Fall 2013) Started as a grad student in Biomedical Engineering MSc program at Shiraz University.

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Get in Touch

Interested in learning more about me, my work or how we can collaborate on an upcoming project? Feel free to reach out anytime, I would be more than happy to chat.

Room 209, CORE Robotics Lab, IRIM, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA

eseraj3 at gatech dot edu

+1 (470) 538 5665

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eseraj3 at gatech dot edu

+1 (470) 538 5665


Room 209, CORE Robotics Lab, IRIM, Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA, USA

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